Sunday, December 13, 2009

Its a tiring day at work... engaged non stop from takeover until 7plus when handing over still got complainant... "Pai tan"!

Just reached home from outing with my ladies and then Kelvin... After work, met my ladies for a short supper session at UBT for noodles(but I didnt eat except the sotong balls) and then met Kelvin and we went to Adam Rd for the prawn noodles, but I only had the soup and three big prawns... nice de wor.. Kelvin is really a glutton... he knows where to go always for good food... after that we went to loyang to pray again while we talk under the moon for an hour or so when he sees that my eyes r tired and we head back to his place... as i am driving this time round, i drive him back (the 2nd time out of countless time of outing)... went up to his place and played with his maltese "Yuki" for awhile, chitchat and then head back... and here I am, typing this blog... thks for always being there whenever I feel down... U r really appreciated!

He mention meeting up in the afternoon later... let's see if i can wake up on time... yawns... and he wanted to bring me out for shopping on monday when benben at child care... see how ba... coz i need some rest before meeting my ladies at nite for NEW MOON!!! woohoo...

*Why am I so happy?"

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