Thursday, December 17, 2009

Committee members of J X-country
NYDP Mentors and NIE teacher trainees

Home! From Pulau Ubin! It was a tiring but fun event... cant bear with all the mentess that we have "taken care of" for the past one year... they are being labelled as the youth at risk by their school teachers... but from what i observed, they are just mischievious... especially my girls ShiLi, Jasmine and ShuMin... nice people... went for X-country as well and it was real tiring...

Slept at 8plus the first nite of the camp and the next morning I woke up at 6am... saw Kel msg, asking if I got kana rain anot... so nice and concern of him... hmm thks... fever on the first nite but feeling better after popping two panadols provided by Derrick gege... and Neo was also concern asking asking to check if im still running a fever the 2nd nite... I am surrounded by caring and nice people... thou i still miss HIM... sigh...

Counting down to one more month to THAILANd!!!

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