Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Looking at death

When news and email was sent out yesterday about him dead, everyone was pondering... why, when, what happened... and i finally know how it happened after reading some news... he committed suicide by burning charcoal at home... its very sad when one young male of 27yrs just passed away like that and was only discovered moments later... he himself seen so much and handle with some many before but am not able to take it when it happened to him... Life is so fragile... but humans are not treasuring it... cancer patients wanted to live, but they do not have any chance... going thru chemo and lots of suffering and ended up still lost the battle, why cant ppl just treasure it when u are so healthy and fine... what is it on earth cant be solve that u need to leave everyone around you crying and shouting for ur name... Death... approaching yet so far away... im treasuring everyone around me especially mummy when life is just so unexpected...

If "U" lose me... remember my smiles and laughter... for that will always stay in ur heart....

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