Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Year End Review

Just reached home from a peaceful and tiring night shift… going to sleep after a good long blog… haven’t been updating for sometime liao… life goes on as normal, during the two off days, one of it is surely meeting him and the other is friend… haven’t been meeting up with my gang, kinda miss them since the chalet…

how are u guys doing so far?

Xmas in two days time... and ****, im wrking on the actual day... therefore he promise to accompany me today and tmr as a makeup for me… hmm, maybe after my wrk on 25th as well… will we? Hmm, tot of not meeting him at all until our special day… but I will miss him… shall talk to him about it…

2008 is going to be over in a blink of eye… have been thru so much of tears and nearly died once… lost one very special thing/person in my life and still missing it… pls be well and take care of urself… im sorry… cant help getting emo once tot of it… *sigh*

Really went thru a lot this year and true friends are always around… thanks for always being around… (Agnes, Michelle, XianMin, Chris, L5 and my “gang”)… especially my “gang”... who went thru my “craziness” with mi and is there whenever he went overseas... thks girls…

Benn… thanks for being around whenever I need u… sorry for always disappointing u... really appreciate having u around or I would have leave this world long long ago… thanks for telling me u dun mind about anything of me and always waiting for me… shall we be friends forever??

Special Day this year: 29/10/2008

*Oink, thks for tolerating my nonsense, thks for hugging me real tight when I cry, thks for chasing after me when I ran off, thks for coming to my house late at night when im hungry, thks for standing there to let me vent my anger when im “crazy”, thks for holding me real tight when I tried to walk away, thks for sparing time to pei me during all my off days, thks for going ard places that I like and u hate to sweat* Thank u so much for being my boyfriend… Thanks for telling me I am the only one u want and gotten rid of that fatty Lian!!! *puke*

+_+ Counting down to nine more days +_+

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